Imagine when you receive a wig and put her on, you might do not like her at first sight, what are you going to do? I think 80% of you would say “oh, she’s might not be the best wig for me” and you want to send it back right away. However, everyone knows to not judge a book by it’s cover, but what most people don’t know is to not judge a wig by her first impression.
Here, I want to share a little story with you. When I finally decided to buy myself a wig at very first time, I went to a wig shop. I found and adopted my first wig there, but I have to admit that was not a love at first sight story. When I put my first wig on my cranium I didn’t think she was my style. The stylist at the wig shop just kept telling me “you’ll make her your own”. I kind of thought it was just a sales-pitch but he also spent like three hours with me so I knew that he really cared. What I learned that day is that every wig out-of-the-box is a little funky. It’s like a new pair of shoes that you have to break in before they feel like your own. It took time for your wig to grow into her full potential.

When you are shopping for wigs, look at length, lace around the hairline, color and feel first. Play with your wig with enough patience and keep practicing, you’ll definitely be making the wig your own eventually!