Take a journey through beautiful moss lined cliffs, steeped high along the ocean in a neighborhood native to our favorite stars- Breath the crisp air and feel the fog of the morning hug your shoulders while watching the sun rise along the crest of the hills.
This is the inspiration of our newest addition to the Trendy Wigs Collection: Pacific Palisades. Purple haze blended with earthy undertones blending seamlessly into primrose yellow and a splash of turquoise… Capture the essence of life in the Palisades.

The warm sun kisses your face and you can feel the breeze of the ocean calling your name. Inviting sands pull you closer while walking along the shore as you taste the salt in the air with each passing wave. Join us at the beach with the Trendy Wigs Collection: Laguna Beach. Inspired by the deep royalty of the ocean pressed against the sands of high society. Rich blues blended with silver blonde highlights and warm sand blown tips. Fall in love with the ocean and stay to watch the moon dance along the surf… It’s time to join us.
Recommend Links: Synthetic Wigs, Lavender Wigs